• Ganiy M. Karassayev, Institute of State History , Kazajistán
  • Kanat A. Yensenov, Institute of State History , Kazajistán
  • Bolat S. Zhumagulov, Сenter “Rukhani Zhagyru” , Kazajistán
  • Akbota T. B Bexeitova, Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University , Kazajistán
  • Aina S. Khamitova, Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University , Kazajistán


This research article examines Abylai Khan's role as a historical figure in the Kazakh Khanate's foreign policy from the middle of XVIII century to 1781, as well as his diplomatic relations with the Qin Manchurian Empire of China, the Russian Empire, and, most importantly, good diplomacy connections. All these have been considered from the point of view of historical research in the state archives of Russia and Kazakhstan. The diplomatic relations of the Kazakh Khanate with neighboring countries in the seventeenth century, armed conflicts between the Kazakh Khanate and the Dzungarian Khanate, the heroic deeds of Abylai Khan, Kabanbai Batyr, Bogenbai Batyr, and others during the Qin Empire's invasion of the Kazakh Khanate are documented. On the basis of ancient and current scientific literature in Kazakh and international scientific libraries, the real data have been analyzed and methodically reviewed. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, the work was carried out on historical principles, true objective research, analysis of historical events in chronological order, comparative use of archival data, references to the research of scientific literature. The history of further development of Kazakh people has proved that such a courageous and purposeful service, provided by Abylai Khan in the middle of the XVIII century, transcended the borders of one country and became the most important in the region.

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Karassayev, G., Yensenov, K., Zhumagulov, B., Bexeitova, A., & Khamitova, A. (2024). KAZAKH KHANATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE XVIII CENTURY: EXTERNAL RELATIONS, PROCESS, RESULTS AND SIGNIFICANCE. Intus - Legere Historia, 17(2), 347-363. doi:https://doi.org/10.15691/%x
Karassayev, Ganiy M., Kanat A. Yensenov, Bolat S. Zhumagulov, Akbota T. B Bexeitova, & Aina S. Khamitova. "KAZAKH KHANATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE XVIII CENTURY: EXTERNAL RELATIONS, PROCESS, RESULTS AND SIGNIFICANCE." Intus - Legere Historia [En línea], 17.2 (2023): 347-363. Web. 24 ene. 2025


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